Chapter Two helps ENTREPRENEURS & PROFESSIONALS FIND GREATER LEVELS OF SUCCESS, reducing stress and burnout.

Discover all the Chapter Two information you need to bring mindful performance, the science of meditation, and high performance breath techniques to your business.

Meditation, the silent edge in business

Chapter Two exists to remind you that you are constantly writing the story that is your life. It is the turning inwards before taking action, it is the power of the pause, it is aligned action. It is the silent edge in business. 


Meet Our Founder: Tess Sloane

The Real Bio

Part of my purpose is opening people's hearts, what a bizarre thing to say, but this is the best way I can articulate it to you - it's allowing people to feel seen in the messy middle. The parts of life where you feel lost, uncertain or unsure and haven’t quite triumphed or made it to the other side.

It's the time in my life when I discovered meditation and it changed everything for me. What I know now is that life is ultimately for us, we can choose to believe it is unfolding in our favour.

We each have an inner technology - our breath, that is available to us at any time. Mastery and regulation in this area allows us to breathe, pick up the pen, and continue to write the story that is our lives, but this time, with power and intention.

No matter what stage you are in life - maybe it is Chapter 2, or 2.5 or Chapter 6 - this is a safe space to “do your work”, to look within, to breathe, to enquire, to explore with like minded others.

I am Tess and I am glad you're here.

The Bio You Were Expecting

Tess Sloane is the Co-Founder of Eleven Eleven Talent Collective, a global recruitment agency, and the Founder of Chapter Two Meditation.

Tess is a firm believer in the philosophy of transformation, with concrete examples throughout her 16+ years in the HR industry. She has catalyzed purpose-led paths for people and worked for global brands renown for their transformative People Practices.

Using her technical background and instinct as a true north star, her approach blends eastern and western philosophies, finding harmony between tried and true tactics and progressive, forward thinking innovation.

With a passion for neuroanatomy and mindfulness she is able to harness the intersection of the brain + mind body connection to produce life changing results.

Tess is a certified meditation teacher, a regular speaker at Universities, Women Events and HR Conferences on the conversation of remaining deeply connected to your purpose, about Chapter Two Meditation and the continued development of your whole self.

Meet Our Founder: ALISHA ADAMS

The Real Bio

Meditation started as a chore for me. It was on a very long list of things I tried to overcome many years of suffering from insomnia. While I did notice a change in my sleeping habits, it really felt like another to-do.

Fast forward 10 years, I am now a mother of 2 small children, entrepreneur, maintainer of house and home (that’s a title right?!) while striving to maintain all of the other pivotal roles in my life (wife, daughter, sister, friend). Living into this while navigating the ups and downs of life left me feeling like something was missing, how do I maintain it all and keep my own cup full?

This is where meditation has re-entered my life and suddenly doesn’t feel like a chore anymore. It is my sanctuary, a gift to myself, my grounding. I crave the ritual of sitting still with myself and checking in. I often get asked (as many working mothers do) how do I “balance” it all. The real answer is I don’t, but I am able to navigate the highs and lows of this beautiful at times chaotic life through a simple daily practice.

Mindfulness meditation is backed by science and is accessible to everyone. So if you are someone that is seeking deeper connection, looking to elevate your performance or simply be present for all of life’s special moments – you have come to the right place.

The Bio You Were Expecting

Alisha Adams is the Co-Founder of Eleven Eleven Talent Collective, a global recruitment agency, and the Co-Founder of Chapter Two Meditation.

Alisha is fed by passion and fuelled by connection. With over a decade in Talent Acquisition, she has transformed careers and lives across industries—and oceans.

Having studied Fashion Merchandising and worked with global apparel brands, Alisha has a strong knowledge of the product lifecycle and retail landscape. She has built extensive talent networks throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. It's this global experience combined with a network built on deep respect that poised her well to co-found Eleven Eleven Talent Collective.

Balancing business strategy with emotional intelligence, Alisha customizes experiences based on each individual’s unique desires, bold in the conviction that there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to fulfilling your dreams. 

Alisha is passionate about elevating women in business and entrepreneurship and frequently speaks on these topics. She believes in everyone’s right to design a life they love through awakening their purpose, passion, and career.

Blending Neuroanatomy and Eastern Philosophy

The power of meditation rooted in science is what Chapter Two is all about.

Meditation and breathing techniques are tools we all possess to counter the brain’s negativity bias, release accumulated stress, support the reduction of anxiety, depression and burnout. It also supports us in creating positive experiences and intentions, experiencing mindfulness and reaching higher levels of performance in business and our personal lives.  

A large body of research has established that having a regular meditation practice produces tangible results in the following areas: 

  • Lowered blood pressure and hypertension

  • Reduced levels of stress hormones including cortisol and adrenaline

  • Lowered cholesterol levels 

  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA

  • Improved immune function

  • Decrease in insomnia, anxiety and depression

Experience the many benefits of mindfulness and meditation with Chapter Two.

Chapter Two Is Trusted By

Chapter Two Is Trusted By

Ready to begin?

Reach your full potential by participating in fact-based meditation workshops and mindfulness sessions, built specifically for you or your group.